If you should ever be involved in an auto accident, it is imperative that you make an effort to remain calm and stay in control of your situation. What you do and say immediately following a collision can have a massive impact on your ability to seek compensation for your injuries. In the event of a crash, it is imperative that you adhere to the following five steps to minimize your liability. 1. Stay at the scene: Under no circumstances should you ever leave the scene of the accident without stopping to render aid. If you leave without stopping to assist the other involved drivers or exchange information, you can be charged with a hit and run and expose yourself to the possibility of harsh fines and possible jail time. To avoid this, make sure you do not leave until it is deemed appropriate to do so. 2. Check for injuries: Examine yourself, your passengers, and the other vehicle’s occupants for injuries. If anyone appears to be hurt, call an ambulance as soon as possible and stay with the injured parties until help arrives. Do not attempt to move anyone who is injured, as this can potentially worsen their condition. 3. Call the police: Getting the police involved is your next priority. A responding officer will be able to stabilize the scene of the accident, move your vehicles to a safe area if possible, and create a police report of the incident. Retaining a copy of this report and the badge numbers of any responding officers will be highly important later on, as this report will likely contain possible indications of fault. 4. Exchange information: Calmly get the names, addresses, phone numbers, driver’s license numbers, license plates, and insurance information from all involved drivers. During this time, it is imperative that you do not discuss the accident! Anything you say can be used against you later on when determining fault for the collision. Avoid saying things such as “I am sorry” or “I did not see you,” as they can inadvertently be seen as admissions of fault. 5. Contact an attorney: A car accident lawyer can protect your interests and help you negotiate with the involved insurance companies in pursuit of a fair settlement on your behalf. With professional legal assistance, you may be able to recover compensation for medical expenses, damaged property, lost income, and pain and suffering.
Injured? Contact Williams DeClark Tuschman Co., L.P.A.
Negotiating with insurance companies after a car accident can be an uphill battle. If you have been hurt in a car accident, a Toledo personal injury lawyer from Williams DeClark Tuschman Co., L.P.A. can advocate on your behalf and maximize your chances of recovering the compensation you deserve. With more than $50 million recovered in verdicts and settlements, we are fully prepared to provide the hard-hitting representation you need during this difficult time. To get started, contact our office online or give us a call today at (419) 719-5195.