When you get behind the wheel to drive in Ohio or travel as a passenger in someone’s vehicle, you no doubt understand that other motorists who are sharing the roadway might act recklessly or in disregard of traffic laws. You have no way to predict the driving behaviors of other people. However, if someone commits DUI, for instance, you might be the one who suffers injury.
There is typically an increase of DUI collisions at certain times, such as at night or on the weekends. During a holiday season, there is also likely to be more drunk drivers on the road than there may be at other times. However, being aware of such statistics does not mean that you yourself can stop another person from driving a car under the influence of alcohol. It also doesn’t mean that you should be responsible for economic upheaval that may occur if you suffer injuries because of a drunk driver.
Males between ages 21 and 34 often commit DUI in Ohio
DUI crash analysts list the age group between 21 and 34 are more likely to drive drunk than other age groups. It is even more common for those of this age who are men. As you travel to visit friends and family during the holidays, chances are that you will, at some point, share the road with an intoxicated driver.
If a collision occurs that results in injuries to you, your child, spouse or other family member, the other driver might face criminal charges for DUI in court. Ohio law also allows victims of drunk driving accidents to seek losses against the person deemed liable for injuries. In such cases, an accident victim can point to the fact that there are criminal charges filed against the defendant as further evidence in their claim.
More than just the holidays can be ruined by DUI
If you survive a DUI crash in Ohio during the holidays, the following weeks or months may be stressful. In fact, if you suffer catastrophic injuries, the collision can have permanent implications for your life. Drunk drivers choose to get behind the wheel while intoxicated. You are not responsible for the actions of a drunk driver who hits you on an Ohio roadway. You can seek payment of your resulting medical bills, car repairs and other losses caused by the accident.