Children and playing are two words that come together, and there's nothing more wonderful than you watch your child discover new things, learn to play games with others and to watch them begin developing a moral code, as they share with their friends and begin to...
We Are In The Business Of Healing
Child Safety
Accidents and injuries while swimming
Summer is the perfect time to cool off by swimming in the neighborhood pool. However, while it is both refreshing and can be an excellent source of exercise, it comes with risks and dangers that people should know before heading to the pool. Whether it is a private or...
Food Poisoning from School Food: What Can I Do?
Cafeteria food has long been subject to many jokes— will you be having the mystery meat today?—but sometimes problems are bigger than a one-liner. Food that’s not stored or prepared properly, or that’s not fully cooked, can make people seriously sick and may even lead...
School’s In Session: Driving Safety Tips
School is back in session, which means kids of all ages are taking buses and walking to schools all around the state. Our team of Toledo personal injury attorneys is reminding drivers to be extra careful, especially around children. Here are some tips to help prevent...
School Bus Accidents: What You Should Know
Every day, millions of children around the country ride school buses to school. In many cases, riding the bus is the safest way for children to travel to school, but that doesn’t mean that school buses are immune to accidents. There are many causes of school bus...
Who Is Liable for Playground Injuries?
Playground injuries can occur in many places, such as public or private schools, daycare facilities, parks, and even private homes. Children can be injured by unsafe behavior or unsafe equipment, but there is often a party who is liable for the safety of your child....
Back to School Safety Tips
School is back in session, which means it’s time to revisit safety rules with your child. Our team is sharing some of our top tips to help your whole family stay safe, from the youngest member to the oldest. Get ready to hit the books and learn how you can avoid...
What Are the Top Causes of Childhood Injury?
As a parent, it’s natural to want to protect your child from injuries and illnesses. Knowing the risks is an important part of avoiding them, which is why the National Institutes of Health has compiled a list of the most common causes of childhood injury. See the list...
Am I Liable if a Trespasser is Injured on My Property?
As a landowner, you may expect that you’re not liable for any injuries sustained by illegal visitors. Unfortunately, that’s not exactly true. You may be held liable for a trespasser’s injuries, under specific circumstances. The specifics of liability often depends on...
The 7 Most Common Causes of Child Injuries
Did you know that according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) an average of 12,175 children age 0 to 19 die each year in the United States from unintentional injuries? Preventable injuries are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among...