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Accidents and injuries while swimming

On Behalf of | Jul 3, 2024 | Child Safety, Personal Injury, Swimming Accidents

Summer is the perfect time to cool off by swimming in the neighborhood pool.

However, while it is both refreshing and can be an excellent source of exercise, it comes with risks and dangers that people should know before heading to the pool.

Whether it is a private or public pool, ensure that there is always an active lifeguard on duty. Their role is to prevent accidents and injuries as well as ensure the safety of everyone in and around the pool area.

Most common hazards

The most common hazards at pools during the summer include:

  • Drowning
  • Injuries to the head or other body parts
  • Slipping and falling

Lifeguards undergo training to maintain a safe swimming environment and provide first aid in the event of an accident or injury, besides many other hazards.

Swimming is a fun activity for children and adults of all ages. If you are heading to the pool with small children, make sure to:

  • Wear approved floating devices
  • Avoid rough play
  • Monitor the conditions of the pool, including the weather
  • Ensure all surfaces surrounding the pool are dry and smooth

By taking these proactive steps, you can enjoy your time at the pool and ensure that summer swimming remains an activity that families of all sizes and ages can enjoy. Whether you are an operator at the pool, a parent or a child, educating everyone around you about the potential risks of summer swimming is always a good idea.

If you sustain an injury or are in an accident, call 911 immediately, seek medical care and contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible after ensuring you are physically safe.
